
personalized flower just for you ❤

Wanna see more flowers?

Then go check out the Just_Flower which requires none of that face tracking stuff - you don't need a webcam, everything is generated randomly + it's without a delay :)


If mood is toggled on, raising your eyebrows will lighten the flower up.

sSave the current frame
gGenerate new flower
mToggle real time interaction (mood)
tToggle camera/tracking display

About This Project

Your_Flower is inspired by the idea of gifting flowers. Flowers can be beautiful but the real ones can also be expensive. In this project I attempted to make a generator that takes an image of you and presents a beautiful virtual abstract flower generated based on your unique face features.

There are three main kinds of flowers you can get - Rose, Daisy and Maurer.

After you press 'G' image from the webcam is sent to the Face⁺⁺ API with a request for analysis. Received data is then combined into three seeds that are then used in to determine properties of flowers like color, jitter strength, counts of petals, etc. In addition real-time tracking is used to interactively manipulate the generated flower slightly based on eyebrow height.   ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ)   ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )

The technologies I am using:

Shortcomings: Sadly the tracking technology is not as precise and consistent to grant the same flower to a single person every time - which was kind of the plan originally. This way at least you can get more different flowers that you know are still generated based on your lovely face.

About The Author

My name is Jan Rychlý and I love art, Ultimate Firsbee, learning about computers and having them do work for me. This was my final project for Generative Programming Art course at the great FI MUNI.

Here is my GitHub repo with more generative art.